
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"EPA Wears Many Hats in Sprawling Environmental Justice Initiative"

EPA and Justice Department officials in the Obama administration are putting more emphasis on environmental justice  -- an effort to reduce the greater hazards faced by poor and minority communities. But that job is not easy, especially in the face of industry resistance.

Source: Greenwire, 04/15/2011

"Koch Bros. Influence Felt in NJ as Gov. Weighs Carbon Market Exit"

"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is re-evaluating the state's participation in a regional carbon trading program and could opt to withdraw within a few weeks. Observers say the move is expected in response to pressure from GOP legislators and campaigns mounted by groups funded by billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch."

Source: SolveClimate, 04/12/2011
March 30, 2011

Nuclear in the Spotlight

A chance to express hope for Japan and a green future…Please join us at this important event. Proceeds to go to Japan relief efforts as well as to OCAA. With performances by Mike Ford, Meghan Morrison, Richard Underhill, Michael Louis Johnson, the Raging Grannies, and more. Special guest speaker Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear will address the current situation in Japan. Wed. March 30, 7:30 p.m. Annex Live, 296 Brunswick (at Bloor), Toronto.



"Federal Jury in Utah Convicts Environmentalist" -- Movement Galvanized

"Environmental activist Tim DeChristopher knew what he was doing when he made $1.8 million in false oil and gas drilling bids at a federal auction. He knew he couldn't possibly pay for them. And he knew he could end up behind bars. But he did it for the cause. On Thursday, a federal jury convicted him on two felony counts of interfering with and making false representations at a government auction."

Source: AP, 03/04/2011


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