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Surrogate Debate Offers Peek Into Candidates' Stands on Farm Issues

A debate in Iowa last week between presidential candidates' surrogates feature the Romney camp alleging environmental regulations would hurt farmers, while Obama's team emphasized the help his administration had offered to suffering farmers.

"Speaking on behalf of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Sen. Mike Johanns (R-Neb.) yesterday blasted the Obama administration for environmental regulations he said were stifling farmers and ranchers.

Source: E&E Daily, 09/17/2012

"Stand-Off Looms Over US Plans To Cut GMO Crop Oversight"

"Efforts to write benefits for biotech seed companies into US legislation, including the new Farm Bill, are sparking a backlash from groups that say the multiple measures would severely limit US oversight of genetically modified crops."

Source: Reuters, 07/18/2012

GMO Food Labeling Amendment Fails in Senate 26-73

"Sen. Bernie Sanders' plan to give individual states the authority to require the labeling of genetically engineered foods has been defeated in the U.S. Senate by a three to one margin.  Sanders' proposal was one of more than 70 amendments to the 2012 Farm Bill."

Source: Vermont Public Radio, 06/22/2012

"Senate Passes Farm Bill With Bipartisan Support"

"WASHINGTON — The Senate approved a sweeping new farm bill on Thursday that would cost nearly $1 trillion over the next 10 years, financing dozens of price support and crop insurance programs for farmers and food assistance for low-income families."

Source: NY Times, 06/22/2012
