Northwest (OR WA)

"Columbia Basin Farmers Rejoice Over New Pipeline"

"The federal government is doing what once had been unthinkable: Building a new stretch of pipeline and draining more water from the Columbia River system to aid farmers. The pipeline is approved to carry just a trickle, but will be designed to handle much more water than that. New proposals would dramatically increase the amount of river water provided to Columbia Basin farmers."

Source: Seattle Times, 03/15/2010
March 10, 2010 to March 14, 2010

Environmental History Conference

The American Society for Environmental History will meet in Portland, Oregon in mid-March, bringing together more than 1,000 historians, scientists, activists, and others to discuss environmental issues. This conference will include more than 150 sessions, a workshop on the national parks, 12 site visits/field trips, and a plenary session on the Klamath Basin Agreement. Onsite registration is available in Portland.

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