Natural Resources

"Wildfire Smoke Descends Across Central US, Causes 'Unhealthy' Air Quality"

"The sun looked orange as it shined through a thick blanket of wildfire smoke on Tuesday across a large area of North America, including in Denver, and the smoke could spread even farther in the coming days."

"The sun appeared orange and red through a layer of haze on Tuesday morning as a large blanket of wildfire smoke covered part of the central United States and Canada.

Source: AccuWeather, 07/26/2024

‘Dark Oxygen’ In Pacific Depths Could Force Rethink About Origins Of Life

"In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries."

Source: AFP, 07/24/2024

"Lawmakers Take Up $5B Colorado River Settlement"

"A House Natural Resources subcommittee will review a $5 billion deal to ensure tribal water rights in northeastern Arizona, including funds for a new pipeline connecting Lake Powell to tribal reservation in the Colorado River Basin."

Source: E&E News, 07/23/2024

"Billions in US Funding Boosts Lithium Mining, Stressing Water Supplies"

"Add lithium to water in a chemistry lab, and you’ll get an incendiary reaction. The same might be said of opening new lithium mines: The prospect can spark conflicts when it comes to water."

Source: Floodlight/Energy News Network, 07/22/2024


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