National (U.S.)

"Much Oil Remains in Gulf, Researchers Estimate"

"Researchers at the University of Georgia said Monday that more than three-quarters of the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon drilling-rig explosion could still be in the Gulf threatening fisheries and marine life, disputing government statements that much of the oil had been safely dispersed."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/17/2010

"EPA Considers Expanding Fracturing Study To Air Quality"

"Recently retired Environmental Protection Agency environmental engineer Weston Wilson is best known for criticizing his employer’s 2004 finding that hydraulic fracturing poses little or no risk to domestic groundwater. Now, the Denver EPA whistleblower is encouraged by the agency’s interest in studying the natural gas development procedure’s potential impacts on air quality as well."

Source: Grand Junction Sentinel, 08/16/2010

Oil Rigs' Safety Questioned as Governments Rely on Private Inspections

"To ensure that oil rigs, tankers and other commercial ships are in safe operating condition, governments around the world, including the U.S. government, often rely on inspections by private firms that are hired and paid by the vessels' owners. But how much confidence should the world have in the maritime watchdogs?"

Source: Wash Post, 08/16/2010


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