Climate Change

EPA Air Chief Gave Presentation At Fringe Climate Denier Event: Emails

"A top Environmental Protection Agency official gave a presentation last year at a gathering of some of the most zealous deniers of climate science, highlighting the influence a small, fringe movement hawking crank theories now wields in Washington."

Source: HuffPost, 06/17/2019

"Environmental Journalists Know The Value Of A Climate Debate"

"Climate change has become a defining issue in the early Democratic presidential primary. But the Democratic National Committee has rebuffed calls to hold a dedicated debate on the topic, raising concerns that the issue will once more remain siloed during an election cycle."

Source: CJR, 06/17/2019

"Emails: Trump Official Pressed NASA on Climate Science"

"Once a skeptic about climate change, Jim Bridenstine came around to the prevailing view of scientists before he took over as NASA administrator. That evolution did not sit well with a Trump environmental adviser, nor a think-tank analyst he was consulting, according to newly disclosed emails that illustrate how skepticism of global warming has found a beachhead in the Trump White House."

Source: AP, 06/17/2019


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