Journalism & Media

June 2, 2009

"The End of Local News? If Communities Lose Newspapers, Who Will Fill the Void?"

SEJers in Maryland or the DC area might be interested in this free University of Maryland J-school symposium.
Topics on the Beat: 
June 27, 2009 to June 30, 2009

10th Biennial Conference on Communication and Environment

The central theme of this event is "Environmental Communication as a Nexus."
May 21, 2009

Brave New World of Media and Journalism

This American Society of Journalists and Authors event will deal with the seismic shifts in the freelance journo business, including topics such as new funding sources, social networking, and nonprofit writing opportunties. The moderator is SEJ member Christine Heinrichs, an award-winning journalist and author whose current work focuses on sustainable agriculture issues. Speakers include another SEJ member, Rene Ebersole of Audubon Magazine; Nick Penniman, Huffington Post executive editor, who will discuss HP's new investigative news venture; and more.
Topics on the Beat: 

#SEJSpotlight: Virginia Gewin, Freelance Journalist

Meet SEJ member Virginia Gewin! Virginia is an independent science journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Her reporting now explores the impacts of wildfires, dust storms, and oil and gas development on public health, often in environmental justice communities. Virginia is currently developing a series of stories from sacrifice zones, those on the frontlines of hazardous pollution.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 18, 2024

SEJ Webinar: Mining Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability for Local Climate Disaster Stories

Join SEJ for a webinar on Rebuild by Design's Atlas of Accountability, an interactive mapping tool designed to empower journalists and others to understand localized climate-fueled exposure to extreme weather disasters. Featuring AP’s Seth Borenstein and MK Wildeman and Rebuild by Design's Amy Chester and Johanna Lawton. 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT.


Colleges With Fossil Fuel Funding Can Become 'Vehicle Of Climate Obstruction'

"For decades, oil and gas companies have donated tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to colleges and universities, sat on governing boards, sponsored scholarships and built pro-fossil fuel programming and curriculum — resulting in real or apparent conflicts of interest for universities and their researchers."

Source: Floodlight, 09/06/2024
September 12, 2024

Poynter Beat Academy: There’s a Climate Change Angle on Every Beat

Poynter's next Beat Academy, in partnership with the Society of Environmental Journalists, will explore how to investigate climate change issues in your community, no matter what your coverage area is. You'll also learn about a website that will help you pinpoint the climate and water projects happening in your area. 1:00 p.m. ET.


Photographer Captures Life In America’s Last Remaining Old-Growth Forests

"“As humans, our everyday lives are sustained by the behaviors and interactions of forest organisms,” photographer David Herasimtschuk writes of old growth forests. “Yet, because these processes and relationships occur in places and at scales rarely observed, our connection with forest biodiversity and the role it plays in nurturing our well-being often goes completely unnoticed.”

Source: NPR, 09/05/2024


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