Upcoming SEJ Regional Events and Meet-Ups
Check here for upcoming regional events, including meet-ups. Also watch the SEJ Community Calendar for professional meetings or informal get-togethers in your area.
Check here for upcoming regional events, including meet-ups. Also watch the SEJ Community Calendar for professional meetings or informal get-togethers in your area.
Meet SEJ member Virginia Gewin! Virginia is an independent science journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Her reporting now explores the impacts of wildfires, dust storms, and oil and gas development on public health, often in environmental justice communities. Virginia is currently developing a series of stories from sacrifice zones, those on the frontlines of hazardous pollution.
"Some foreign leaders have ruthlessly curtailed journalism. U.S. politicians could draw from their playbook."
"For decades, oil and gas companies have donated tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to colleges and universities, sat on governing boards, sponsored scholarships and built pro-fossil fuel programming and curriculum — resulting in real or apparent conflicts of interest for universities and their researchers."
"“As humans, our everyday lives are sustained by the behaviors and interactions of forest organisms,” photographer David Herasimtschuk writes of old growth forests. “Yet, because these processes and relationships occur in places and at scales rarely observed, our connection with forest biodiversity and the role it plays in nurturing our well-being often goes completely unnoticed.”