SEJ en Español
Esta es la comunidad electrónica de Sociedad de Periodistas Ambientales/Society of Environmental Journalists (SPA/SEJ). SPA/SEJ tiene varias actividades y publicaciones de uso e interés para periodistas de habla hispana.
Esta es la comunidad electrónica de Sociedad de Periodistas Ambientales/Society of Environmental Journalists (SPA/SEJ). SPA/SEJ tiene varias actividades y publicaciones de uso e interés para periodistas de habla hispana.
Check here for upcoming regional events, including meet-ups. Also watch the SEJ Community Calendar for professional meetings or informal get-togethers in your area.
"Summer 2024 sweltered to Earth’s hottest on record, making it even more likely that this year will end up as the warmest humanity has measured, European climate service Copernicus reported Friday."
"Some foreign leaders have ruthlessly curtailed journalism. U.S. politicians could draw from their playbook."
"Rebuilding degraded coral reefs started as a noble endeavor, but now some coral scientists are confronting a dark reality."
"For decades, oil and gas companies have donated tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to colleges and universities, sat on governing boards, sponsored scholarships and built pro-fossil fuel programming and curriculum — resulting in real or apparent conflicts of interest for universities and their researchers."
"A review commissioned by the World Health Organization found wireless technology use has skyrocketed, but brain cancer rates have not gone up accordingly."
"The Biden administration on Tuesday granted a gas export terminal the authority to ship fuel abroad after a court blocked its efforts to delay such permissions."