National (U.S.)

"Climate Change Played A Role In Killing Tens Of Thousands Of People In 2023"

"At nine years old, Carter Vigh loved soccer, his friends, and dancing to music. ... Carter also had asthma. The hot temperatures and dense wildfire smoke that enveloped the Vighs’ British Columbia home, 100 Mile House, in the summer of 2023 exacerbated his asthma and killed him."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 04/18/2024

"Texas Hack May Be First Disruption Of U.S. Water System By Russia"

"In January, an alert citizen in Muleshoe, Tex., was driving by a park and noticed that a water tower was overflowing. Authorities soon determined the system that controlled the city’s water supply had been hacked. In two hours, tens of thousands of gallons of water had flowed into the street and drain pipes."

Source: Washington Post, 04/18/2024
May 1, 2024

Environmental Journalists on the Frontlines of Democracy

Prior to this year's World Press Freedom Day, the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, in partnership with SEJ, will celebrate the important role of environmental journalism and highlight the need to protect journalists around the world from surveillance, censorship, oppression and violence. 10am ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

"A Heat Pump ‘Petting Zoo’? This Fair Helps Americans Green Their Homes."

"A loose line of people snaked from a doorway in the side of a cargo truck. One young boy wandered over to examine several bales of hay stacked nearby while others waiting craned their necks to get a peek inside. A small sign in the shape of a barn stuck over the open door read, “Petting Zoo.”

Source: Washington Post, 04/17/2024

"SuperFund Tax Shortfall: Trouble For Cleanups, EPA Budget"

"The Biden administration has juiced EPA’s Superfund program with billions of dollars, but an unexpected shortfall for “polluter pays” taxes and election-year politics may bring the high times for the toxic waste site cleanup program to a close."

Source: E&E News, 04/17/2024

"Interior Said to Reject Industrial Road Through Alaskan Wilderness"

"The Biden administration is expected to deny permission for a 211-mile industrial road through fragile Alaskan wilderness to a large copper deposit, handing a victory to environmentalists in an election year when the president wants to underscore his credentials as a climate leader and conservationist."

Source: NYTimes, 04/17/2024

Philly Steaks Out New Ground

It just wouldn’t be the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference recap without the waggish tales of SEJ’s resident wit, David Helvarg, who once again this year skewers the lot of us, sparing not a jot of our five days in Philadelphia. Read on and prepare to snicker.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Prescribed Burns Prove Their Worth in the Climate-Stressed Texas Panhandle

"In a small Texas city, officials say land previously treated with a prescribed burn stopped the Windy Deuce Fire from entering neighborhoods. But the practice of intentionally burning excess vegetation has faced opposition from some private landowners."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/16/2024


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