Environmental Health

How Ice Fishing Can Break the Ice on Your Local Climate Story

What does dragging an old car onto an ice-covered lake have to do with informing your community about the perils of climate heating? Potentially a good deal. The latest TipSheet explains how waning winters and the potential impact on the entertaining tradition of ice fishing can serve as an entry into more serious matters. A dozen story ideas and resources to get you started.

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After Fighting a Landfill Expansion, Houston Residents Await Methane Rules

"When the Hawthorne Park Landfill opened in 1977, it transformed everyday life for residents of Carverdale, a historically Black neighborhood in northwest Houston. Myra Jefferson has seen pests and roaches from the dump multiply over the decades and remembers yellow dust from the rot sticking to everything."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/29/2024

Cities Warn of Funding Struggle as EPA Preps PFAS Drinking Water Rule

"Cash-strapped city water systems are struggling to envision how they’ll pay to filter “forever chemicals” out of drinking water in light of an EPA rule that could be finalized as soon as March."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/28/2024


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